About Our Organization
The Arkansaw Fur, Fish & Game is an organization committed to wildlife conservation, habitat improvement, increased access to hunting and fishing and community enhancement.
The name of this organization shall be the Arkansaw Fur, Fish and Game, Incorporated, Arkansaw, Wisconsin.
The Arkansaw Fur, Fish & Game is an organization committed to wildlife conservation, habitat improvement, increased access to hunting and fishing and community enhancement.
The organization will meet monthly at the discretion of the members. The Annual Meeting will be held in August, or other such day that may be announced.
Quorum: Shall be at least three board members.
Special meetings will be called as needed by the board of directors.
The lifetime membership fee will be $5.00 per person or $10.00 per household.
Membership is open to anyone interested in community development, wildlife preservation, etc.
To be considered an active member you must attend 2 (two) meetings per year and have a willingness to volunteer to maintain voting eligibility.
Officers will be elected during the August meeting of every year. All officers are elected by majority vote.
Officers and their terms are as follows:
President – 1 year
Vice-President/Secretary – 1 year
Treasurer – 2 years
Two Directors – 2 years
The Vice President/Secretary will succeed the President. The Treasurer and Board member terms will be elected alternating years, with the two Board members being elected one year and the Treasurer being elected the next.
By-laws shall be read at the annual meeting and any changes required can be made by majority vote.
By-laws may be amended by majority vote at any meeting. Changes are presented in writing and read at the meeting.
Clubs organized for pleasure, recreation, and other non-profitable purposes, or substantially all activities that are for such purposes and no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder would not be able to be considered for donation.
Contributions made by the club shall be made for the purposes of wildlife conservation, habitat improvement, and increased access to hunting, fishing, or other outdoor sporting facilities and for community enhancement of benefit to the public.
The club’s goal is to spend a minimum of 10% of its net annual funds on conservation projects annually. The amount will be determined at the time of the Annual Meeting.
Any action to dissolve the Arkansaw Fur, Fish & Game must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of eligible Voting Members of the club present at a meeting called to specifically consider such action, for which meeting written notice has been issued to all Members eligible to vote in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws. If the Arkansaw Fur, Fish & Game at its own option shall cease to exist, all property real or personal, excluding the Arkansaw Community Center after paying just claims upon it, shall be transferred to the Pepin County Land Conservation Department or its successors. The Arkansaw Community Center after paying just claims upon it, shall be transferred to the Town of Waterville or its successors.